What I've been reading
I read
The Discarded Image: An Introduction to Medieval and Renaissance Literature. In spite of adoring the Narnia books, I haven't really read any of C. S. Lewis's other books. Out of next-most-readily-availble titles, I'm not really interested in his apologetics, and I was spoiled for the enraging end of the Space trilogy and haven't ever really been at a point where I thought my blood pressure was too low and I should do something about that, and The Screwtape Letters was okay, I guess. I had higher hopes for this one, though, and I found it really delightful. Like the subtitle says, it's pitched at an introductory level, but specifically it focuses on a common mental model of the universe with shared sources and imagery.
I read
The Afterlife of Little Women, which is not uniformly delightful and occasionally bogs down in what seem to me like unproductive tangents-just how much material should you expect to get out of a handful of stills. a few lines of advertising copy and scant and cursory reviews of a lost silent film? does it actually occupy more pages of the book than the three extant films, or does it just feel that way?-but it is interesting enough if you are interested in the history of the reception of Little Women.
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