Upon returning to our apartment, Stan and I were greeted by a suspiciously damp and gently decomposing mouse. Despite careful cross-examination, the cats are revealing nothing. (I scooped it up and took it out to the dumpster, because Stan was too busy standing screaming on tables like women in early Sixties sitcoms.) This was not particularly awesome.
However, this morning I got to hear
wisdomeagle preach at her church, which was very awesome, indeed! The topic of her sermon was bread, and yes, there were even edible examples!
Sam was in town for the weekend, so he got to come with me, and we played a bit with our new Sims Mark III. So far all I've really done is make one house with myself making a healthy income from writing Dan Brown parodies such as The Lost Symbologist and The Bosch Cypher, and another house with Pete Wentz staying up all night and making inappropriate forum posts and Patrick Stump actually, you know, playing the guitar and stuff.
After finding the mouse, Stan and I suddenly found ourselves really in the mood to do some deep cleaning. Not that anything was that dirty, but ....