Days since succumbed to temptation of Prince of Tennis: 10
Number of episodes watched: 108
Approximate runtime thereof: 36 hours (!)
Approximate bandwidth consumed thereby: 17.4 GB
Number of episodes rewatched while forcibly introducing series to
handynavi: 5
Number of words of fluffy TezuRyo futurefic scribbled during break at work which will hopefully not be too terribly jossed in terms of characterization in the near future: 433
Number of times the phrase "Insert tennis here" appears: 1 (v.g., on the whole)
No wonder my brother was astonished and slightly terrified. He has informed me that I am by no means to allow him to watch so much as an episode before he gets out of school for the summer.
He also reminded me that I had tried watching this show a couple of years ago and had given up after five episodes because I was bored. I think this is because the first five episodes are mostly about people being mean, stupid, and/or scary, and Ryoma making fun of them and beating them, over and over. Which, in and of itself, begins to pall. The things that I really dig -- the overwhelming love that pretty much everyone has for pretty much everyone else, and the crack -- don't really kick in until a wee bit later.