#100 things: 100 photos - prologue

Jun 07, 2012 22:26

{Take the 100 Things challenge!}

Yes, that means exactly what you think it does. I am jumping on the bandwagon and will be posting my own 100 things. Since you all know how sporadic and un-scheduled my posting is, as you can imagine it will take quite a while. But I have chosen a subject that I will definitely not run out of before I reach 100, so hopefully I will finish this long challenge.

Enough about that. My subject is 100 photos I have taken, and the story behind them . It's not a very exciting and original subject - I'm not a very exciting and original person. But, hopefully, it should prove interesting enough for you lot - not to mention voyeuristic enough, you kinky buggers.

I'm off to look through my giant photo archive and start choosing my 100. If I'm good I might even make my first post tomorrow!


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