Thinky thoughts: selfies?

Jan 02, 2017 16:21

Social media is addictive and a great time waster, but ultimately just depresses me with the futility of existence.

We are all seeking validation through it in our own way, and we all count our likes and shares obsessively. We all know that when it comes down it it is pointless, but whatever.

I often wonder if there is something wrong with me with how uncomfortable selfie culture makes me some time. I know all these brilliant and interesting and smart people who seem to take a ridiculous amount of selfies to share. I have been told by friends that my facebook is boring because I don't have enough photos of myself on it.

Truth is, I photograph badly, mainly because I don't like being photographed. I become self conscious and put on funny faces. And I feel slightly ridiculous taking selfies usually. I do like taking reflections of myself in interesting and distorting surfaces, but that feels more like art.

Also I don't want to be judged on how I look. I am so much more than that. The way I look is the one of the least interesting things about me. I have long ago got over most of my image issues and am mostly happy with the way I look now - except for that extra weight I put on in the last year from stress eating. But still I don't really want to take selfies.

And I wonder is there really something wrong with me? Is everyone else a lot more well adjusted and happy with themselves than me, and that's why they fill their facebook feed with smiling photos of themselves? Does anyone else feel like me?

This is my favourite profile pic for social media so far. I think it is a really cool photo, not all my friends agree.

thinky thoughts

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