Trip to Wales

Sep 16, 2016 19:05

Oops, I fell off the grid again. I occilate between long bursts of being very busy and shorter bursts of hiding in my room marathoning tv shows.

The most exciting thing I got up to was going to Wales for the last bank holiday weekend in August. A group of us went camping in the Gower peninsular.

We left friday afternoon after work. We spent friday night in a hostel in Cardiff and visited the bay area briefly on saturday morning before heading on our way. I must visit Cardiff again to see all the Doctor Who and Torchwood locations!

detail from the Millenium Centre.

Gower is a peninsular in South Wales near Swansea and it is gorgeous! We were a bunch of mainly southern europeans so we predictably left it too late to organise the trip and the only camping site we could find that wasn't fully booked was a farm that we couldn't find with googlemaps. We ended up asking a policeman for help and ended up breaking all the speed limits as we chased his jacked up police van through country lanes as he showed us the way.

We mainly visited beaches, because that is how we roll, and they were all gorgeous. Some looking like alien landscapes in low tide.

There were a couple of arguments and a certain difficulty to coordinate - italians are hard work! - but it was generally a very good trip and I'd love to visit Wales again.

I even brought back a friend. His/her (haven't decided on a gender) name is Araf Sinistra. Araf meaning go slow in welsh and sinistra meaning left in italian.

More updates at a later time :)
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