(no subject)

Jul 25, 2016 10:36

Shamelessly stolen from hughville.

I thought it would be funny because it is a rather US centric quiz and I went to school in Greece.

The Senior Year Meme.
The year was 1996. (When music was exciting and fresh and we were deludedly optimistic that things could only get better.)

1. Did you know your spouse? Not married. (We rarely marry our high school bfs in Greece.)
2. Did you carpool to school? Nope, can't drive till 18 in Greece. I went to a private school and took a school bus.
3. What kind of car did you have? See above, can't drive till 18 in Europe. Also my parents didn't drive or have a car.
4. What kind of car do you have now? What is this obsession with cars! I never got a driving license or a car. (I have lived in large European cities all my life where I could get by on public transport.)
5. It's Saturday night... where were you? Senior year? Studying like it was going out of fashion. University entrance exams in Greece are ridiculously difficult and you have to study till you drop in senior year if you want a chance in hell of getting in.
6. What kind of job did you have in high school? Studying non-stop for the university entrance exams in senior year. Otherwise it is very rare if you are from a middle-class background in Greece to work while you are still in school, so I didn't have a job.
7. What kind of job do you have now? Economic crashes and immigration have messed up my life plans. I am a document controller, but don't plan on remaining one for long.
8. Were you a party animal? Nope, I was painfully shy at school and only talked to my friends.
9. Were you a cheerleader? We don't have cheerleaders in Greece, and if we did, I wouldn't have been one.
10. Were you considered a jock? We don't have jocks in what we can General High Schools in Greece. Anyone who wants to make a living from sport usually goes to a Sports High School. The one time they tried making me play basket-ball in school I almost fainted on them (granted it was a very hot day.)
11. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? Nope, I can't sing. I did want to learn a musical instrument, but my parents couldn't afford the classes.
12. Were you a nerd? Yup. But I was too shy for anyone to actually notice.
13. Did you get suspended or expelled? No, I was a good girl. My whole class almost got suspended once when we staged a mass walkout in protest over one of our teachers being useless and wanting her replaced by someone who could do the job properly. (Yes, we were little shits, but little shits who wanted to get into university.)
14. Can you sing the fight song? What is that?
15. Who was/were your favorite high school teacher? My chemistry teacher. He was an awesome guy. I was complete shit at chemistry but needed it to get into university. He tried his best to help me.
16. Where did you sit for lunch? Usually on the top terrace recess area because our classrooms were on the top floor.
17. What was your school's full name? Lycée Franco-Hellénique d'Athènes (Athens Franco-Hellenic Lyceum), yes, it was a greek-french school.
18. What was your school mascot? We don't have school mascots in Greece.
19. If you could go back and do it again, would you? No way, I enjoyed University far more.
20. Did you have fun at Prom? In Greece Prom's - if we have them - are a lot more laid back. It was fun.
21. Do you still talk to the person you went to Prom with? We don't really do the whole couple thing at school dances in Greece. I went to Prom with my four best friends at school. I am still friends with three of them.
22. Are you planning on going to your next reunion? My reunion happened this past Easter. I couldn't go because I am now living in London. If they ever have a reunion when I happen to be in Athens I probably will go.
23. Are you still in contact with people from school? I am in contact with three of my best friends. I am facebook friends with several others.
24. What are/were your school's colors? We didn't have a uniform. I assume we had some sort of colours in our school logo but I can't recall.
25. What did you do on senior skip day? I can't really remember, it was rather uneventful.hughville

meme, lists

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