I might actually get married!

May 26, 2016 14:55

So I have had my first marriage proposal! From my friend Angela. We already have plans to buy a house together and get two dogs. So why not?

It came round when we were talking about how the British might just be stupid enough to vote to leave the EU. And how Angela refuses to return to Greece. I however have a British passport! It all makes sense! Especially if we get any tax breaks. It might even help us in the job market!

Angela has been burnt by men worse than me. I have just given up hope on them being anything else but unreliable fuckwits. We can date who we like, but in the end of the day we will have someone dependable to go home to and share our problems with. Win win!

Its been almost a decade since I first established that it would have better to have been a lesbian. Weight all the societal pressures and discrimination against having to deal with and try to share your life with men...
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