New job.

Sep 17, 2015 12:25

Some of you might be curious as to what came of my surprise interview on Wednesday. Well things moved fast. My future boss desperately needs someone (more that one someones, but one to start with) and we hit it off well so she started pushing to get me to start as fast as possible.

This is a really big (global) company however, so they have proper procedures to follow. Which means Friday morning I had another interview, by the book, in the headquarters by two white men in suits. And they asked me all the cliche rubbish questions they usually ask you. They grilled me like crazy, and after I tried my best to persuade them I was awesome and perfect, they asked how much I wanted, and like they always do tried to tell me I was asking for too much! By the middle of the interview I was quite fed up with the whole thing, so I gave up on being polite or modest and turned quite emphatic and aggressive. But then again men appreciate a bit of aggression, no?

In the end I got the job and the wage I asked for! And the guys tried to poach me for their own team from the woman I first interviewed with!

The big fear for me is two-fold. One is how easily I will be able to assimilate into a british corporate environment. The british don't necessarily appreciate my straightforwardness and bluntness. And two is how boring this job proves to be in the end. Everybody who has done it tells me it is very very boring. Even the guys in the interview kept on repeating how boring and bureaucratic it is. The job title is document controller. Which is just a filing clerk really, no?

Another thing is that because they were desperate for someone I agreed to start with them on a four day a week basis at first as I work of my notice period from the shop. So I will be working 7 day weeks starting from Monday. Wish me luck!

london adventures

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