Help me choose a painting for my wall!

Mar 19, 2015 16:07

I'm busy hibernating from the world today. I'm considering cancelling my plans to go an exhibition opening tonight, because I really don't want to leave my room or socialise.

I should use this excuse and apply for as many jobs as I can because if I don't get full time work soon I'm in deep trouble, but I am considering catching up on my flist first...

What I have been doing today, besides wasting time, checking up on answers to my ad and applying to the odd job is seriously going through the Hunderwasser paintings gallery on the official website. I have bought a nice big piece of fancy handmade watercolour paper, now I really need to decide which painting of his I want to copy and put above my bed.

Let me share a short-list of likely candidates. These are not my favourite paintings by him, they are just the ones I think are most suitable. I want a painting with a particular colour scheme and dimensions that would look good in the location it is going. I probably won't be copying these paintings exactly anyway, but playing around with the colours to increase the amount and the deepness of the red and change the hue or solidness of certain other colours.

What do you think?

[Images of paintings under cut]

1. Town Under the Rain

2. The Tower of Babel Pierces the Sun

3. The I Still Do Not Know

4. If You Go Across the Fields You Arrive at Grossweissenbach

5. Regentag on Waves of Love

6. Switchboard

Poll time!
Poll Hunderwasser painting

poll, photos

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