Doing stuff and gathering books

Feb 18, 2015 00:07

I just scrolled back my flist almost a week to see what you all are up to.

I've been very busy! So busy I still haven't finished setting up my sale I've been spamming you with.

I've been sick, like I said. Then I was working. And going out and seeing people and doing stuff outside the house like a non-hermit. Go me! (I don't have enough friends and I don't get out nearly as much as I should.)

And I've been going to the swimming pool. Yesterday I tried out the one in Kentish Town, which has a beautiful victorian ceiling with skylights. And going to Aikido classes. Which I walk to: one hour each way. I'm feeling so virtuous!

The down side to all this physical activity is that my appetite has grown and being weak willed I have started eating more, so I'm not actually losing any weight.

I have also been buying books and borrowing books from my local libraries. Look at my pile of books to read!

[Photos of books under cut]

The last book in my pile is for me to find a painting to copy to put on my wall. I love Hundertwasser and his style is perfect for how I want to decorate my room. (I'm still missing my red bookcase, red lamp-shade and red desk light.)

Who wants to help me choose a painting for my wall? I've leafed through the book and come up with two likely candidates so far. Opinions?

[Images under cut]

The end of the Greeks, Ostrogoths and Visigoths.

Irinaland over the Balkans

art experiments, photos, london adventures

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