Last Athens holiday picspam

Jan 07, 2015 18:12

I'm flying back to London tomorrow, so this is the last Athens picspam!

[photos under here]

First up some graffiti. We have so much graffiti in Athens you wouldn't believe. The police can't really be bothered to waste time chasing graffiti artists, and the city is so ugly that most people think the graffiti is an improvement. Some of the artists are really good and have ended up making it into galleries.

Next up some touristical photos of antiquities.

The nineteenth century academy building, part of the triptych of neoclassical buildings in Akadimias in the centre of Athens,

Some photos of the Athens metro and electric railway. The electric railway predates the metro. The electric has been around since the 1970s and the metro only since the 2000s.

Some random architectural photos:

photos, living in athens

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