TV Meme

Nov 23, 2014 20:27

There are so many things I should be doing now. (Making the scarves I have already sold. Looking for a flat. Applying for jobs.)

But lets do a meme instead!

List 10 tv shows/movies/books
-- Have your friends guess your favourite characters from each one.
-- Cross out the show/movie/book and put the character in when someone guesses.

1. Jane Austen - Lizzie Bennet (found by lokifan)
2. Lord Of the Rings
3. Harry Potter - Neville and Luna (found by lokifan)
4. Doctor Who (New Who, not the classics) - Donna Noble (found by lokifan)
5. Torchwood - Ianto (found by lokifan)
6. Glee - Kurt (found by lokifan)
7. Agents of Shield
8. Teen Wolf
9. Bob's Burgers
10. Criminal Minds

tv, meme, books

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