Twin Peaks Season 1 Episode 2

Nov 03, 2014 12:11

So I finally got round to watching the second episode.

[Thoughts behind spoiler]
Like last time here's an unfiltered list of my thoughts as I watched, in no particular order.

1. Agent Guy remains awesome, as does his relationship with Dianne. I really want to see her face as she listens to his recordings.

2. I also love the police receptionist girl!

3. What is wrong with this Shelley girl? (The waitress married to the trucker.) Why did she marry that creep? Is this going to be a thing now? I everyone in this series going to be riddled with insecurities and lack of self-worth that leads them to throw away their lives?

4. Bland best friend of dead girl is so bland. Unless we get a revealing twist eventually. But for now she is so cookie-cutter bland that she tells her mother everything. Seriously girl?

5. Did anyone else find it laughable and a little creepy how fast bland BFF and secret biker boyfriend got over Laura and hooked up? Is the twist that this town is made up of bots who while in general do a good job of emulating small town humans, do on occasion get it wrong? Or maybe aliens trying their best to be assimilated into the population?

6. I must have mentioned it in my pilot thoughts, but it bears repeating. Not only everyone is this town is screwing around, but everyone else also knows who is bang who behind who's back and no one gives a damn.

7. Laura's crazy mother looks familiar. Where have I seen her before?

8. Laura's boyfriend's father is awesome! (Not as awesome as Agent Guy and the Sheriff, but maybe a close third.) With such an awesome father how did Donnie(?) end up such a run of the mill cliche (or will there be a big twist in the end on him as well?)

9. Does the wacko doctor have his own half heart, or did he dig up biker guys half? Laura is getting slightly more interesting. Is she some sort of nymphomaniac who slept around with everyone? Did she find her boyfriend too dull, so tried out biker guy, but he ended up too dull as well, so seduced her doctor, but he also wasn't exciting enough, and all in the search of sexual kicks ended up with serial killer?

10. By the way is this a village of psychos? And thus I return to my idea that they are all slightly malfunctioning androids.

11. I had totally forgotten how badly we all dressed in the 80s!

12. The world of Twin Peaks is claustrophobically oppressive. It totally gives me the creeps!

tv, twin peaks

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