Wimbledon market

Jul 08, 2014 14:55

So things have not being going well. The culmination of all my hard work and preparation and all the money I spent on materials and prints was that Wimbledon's market on saturday was a total wash. I keep on hearing from other traders at markets about these magical craft markets where you can make £700 or so pounds in one day, but I always end up making a loss and wasting my time.

We got into a big fight with the organisers. The traders who had experience of doing making markets really ripped into them for misleading us and being unprofessional and demanded we at least get a 50% refund of the price of the stall. The organiser was rude and patronising and ended up just walking away from us to join her friends and go drinking. Yup, a total wash.

I printed out and laminated banners for my shops. Yes, I finally went with ApareciumPrints for the new name of my fandom shop. I got completely fed up of wasting so much time brainstorming names.

This is my stall. I couldn't afford a whole stall, so I was sharing with a face painter - the only one who had any business, because a bunch of parents with small kids showed up. As you can see I have made a whole bunch of new designs which I will slowly photograph and list in my shops.

The market at it's busiest time. A total washout!

The upside was that there were some okay musicians playing and we had some drinks with the girls who had the stalls next to me so I spent the whole time talking to people.

Today I'm feeling so awful you wouldn't believe! I have a whole load of things to do, but can hardly bring myself to do anything. I couldn't sleep last night, so I am exhausted, have a headache and hurt all over, because my mattress is really bad.

Yup, I renamed my etsy shop and made a new banner and everything.

london adventures, apareciumprints, etsy, inkdoodles

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