Reading, having adventures and watching 7th Heaven.

Apr 23, 2014 23:29

Ok, I am so behind on answering comments and replying to questions it's not funny. But I have been going through yet another one of my hide my head in the sand and avoid people and responsibilities because I feel incapable of dealing with them phases.

I have been reading books on the theory of architecture and signs like crazy because I've been commissioned to write an essay on a subject to do with the language of architecture. So I've spent a couple of days cramming in the RIBA library and took some books home to force myself to read (I now remember why despite having bought the book back as a student, I never got round to reading Aldo Rossi's seminal book The Architecture of the City: far too theoretical and vague for my liking. But now I'm slogging through because it's a good source of quotes.)

Easter sunday I went with my sister and her boyfriend to Modstock, which was ok. Saw some really bad mod-style bands (omg! you should check out Les Cappucino, a japanese sort of moddish band!) and then danced the night away to northern soul and old fashioned rhythm and blues. We were practically the only ones there in modern clothes, everyone had broken out their vintage outfits. Many of which were from completely wrong decades!

And the last couple of days I have been marathoning old 7th Heaven episodes, and I feel like my brain is going to melt from the drivel. Why did I subject myself to this torture, you say?

Have you guys ever watched 7th Heaven? I used to watch it in high school and a little bit in university. I only ever saw the first couple of seasons, more or less until a bit after Mary left. Why did I watch it? I was bored and it was on at a time nothing better was on. And it was compelling in a way a train wreck is. In university I used to hate-watch it with a friend of mine. It was ridiculous, because neither of us are in the least religious or conservative, and we hated their morality with the intensity of a hundred burning suns and yet we watched it. Kind of like how you eat Macdonald's hamburgers every now and then even though you know each one is probably cutting months from your lifespan.

Anyway. I was marathoning Teen Wolf last month. But now it's over and I need something new to keep me distracted from real life. I saw all of Dylan O'Brien's films - and New Girl cameo - so I thought I'd move to Tyler Hoechlin, who is a rather mediocre actor - why didn't he stick with baseball again? - but he is so so easy on the eyes... And I found out he played in later seasons of 7th Heaven, the seasons I hadn't seen. I was seriously contemplating the insanity of finding and watching those seasons when I discovered someone had done it for me and uploaded to youtube the Hoechlin only parts of each episode. Awesome! Thus in less than two days I marathoned the abridged version of season 7 to season 11.

So now my brain has melted. I mean completely melted. And I'm all kinds of muddled with thoughts, because I have just seen the complete storyline of a character on a semi-soap-opera over a period of 4 years. And I got to see Hoechlin grow up rather drastically. Boy do men grow up fast! We women grow up gradually, but men seem to grow up all of a sudden in that period between the end of high-school and the second year of university.

So watch him go from adorable:

to sexy:

and of course he then went on to this:

So, anyone want to talk to me about the train wreck that is 7th Heaven and Martin Brewer's storyline? (You can even talk about Derek Hale and how his life sucks if you want to.)

tv, london adventures, festivals

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