Felt Reindeer

Dec 24, 2013 23:34

Christmas Eve at last. Soon it will all be over. As you can sense, I am not looking forward to tomorrow. Instead of spending christmas day with the family I care about, I am spending it with the family I barely tolerate. Would it be rude if I brought a book to have something to do?

Anyway, shouldn't be a downer. I know most of you genuinely have fun on christmas.

A couple of weeks ago I went to crafting event at the Victoria and Albert Museum. I was inspired to try my hand at doing some sewing (I can't sew more than a button on!), so I gathered the necessary supplies and made three felt reindeer badges. Felt is so easy to sew up with a loop stitch that even someone like me can pretend they know what they are doing!

I made the silly little badges for my young cousins.

art experiments, photos, non-fandom art, inkdoodles

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