Christmas Cards: who wants one?

Nov 22, 2013 21:21

So it's this time of year again. I am very behind on everything, so while I'm pretty sure I'll get out Christmas cards to Europe and the UK on time, we can only hope I manage for the rest of the world.

But it any case, better late than never!

I already have a number of addresses - which I hope are still good - so if anyone has moved house since last Christmas or didn't get a card from me then, but would like one now here is your chance to give me your address!

Don't be shy!

Due to time constraints this year, I will not be taking requests like I have done in the past. I plan on making a series of classic Christmas linocut cards to give to friends and family, I hope that is not too disappointing. For the die-hard H/D fanatics I have some old cards that I sent out last year left over. So if you don't mind the chance of receiving the exact same card again let me know you'd rather have an H/D one than an original one.

I will be screening comments.
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