OK, update. I have been very busy lately getting my last minute rarefest submission done - I decided last minute to take part and the mods where very accepting - and working on uploading all my stuff to my new webpage.
I decided to create a webpage to showcase my architecture projects, my art and my photographs. It also has a blog. It's very slow business getting everything up. But it does finally give me incentive to sort through the huge backlog of photos I've accumulated. So far all I've got up on the site and my oldest photos. Almost nothing from the last two years in Greece before I left and nothing from the last two years in the UK either. But I'm slowly working on it.
So I said I'd share any interesting blog posts I make on my two other blogs with you guys here, because you know, this is my real blog where I don't have to be all serious and professional and whatnot. So yeah, I worte about adult non-fandom stuff. Go me!
So lets see.
If you like this building (The Nest by a21studio in Vietnam), then you might want to read about
me gushing over it. If you had thinky thoughts to do with Gezi Park and public space, you might want to read mine
over here. And for my Friday photo post
I talked about the photo I put in the competition just in case I'd manage to get anyone to vote for me.
I also shared some new art. And promoted an etsy shop.