Updates and a poll

Dec 07, 2012 00:54

I have so much to tell you guys, but no time to blog about it. Where does my time go? How do people manage to blog, tweet, read fic, make fic/art, sometimes even mod comms plus work and have a life? It seems like an impossible task!


I have been tirelessly working on my site. It doesn't really show, because I am useless and it takes me hours to practically do nothing.

In more pleasant news I did my first big piece of art! My sister wanted me to make her a poster for her birthday. She sent me an image of the art she wanted me to copy and all. So I went and bought myself a nice big expensive sheet of heavy watercolour paper (about A2 size) and some gum tape. I had to look up tutorials on how to properly stretch and tape watercolour paper because I had never worked on something so big before. Thankfully the art she wanted was rather simple so it didn't take me long to do. Afterwards I varnished it, and yesterday I gave it to her. She seemed happy!

Also yesterday we went to a small concert. These guys were playing at the Royal Festival Hall:

image Click to view

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poll, non-fandom art, music, videos, inkdoodles

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