
May 22, 2012 23:21

I saw it!! I saw the film (a few weeks ago), but never did I imagine I'd dig it this much. w00t! I have no other journal where I can go all fanish like this, forgive my silliness.

Not only did I love the comic relief, but Captain America!!! asdkjflkfj!!!
He's begging to be slashed, or what?

Those edible muscles... And yet so innocent to the point of naiveness. It stirs the M side of me *g* And makes me want to rip his clothes off of him and make him cry in pleasure.


Sorry, it's been a while since I saw something slashable my mind kinda went nutters :9

I wanna draw... Yeah, just like that. Out of the blue. Captain America is going in circles in my mind...

On the other hand, I think to myself, what am I thinking? I can't draw a muscle, even if my life depended on it *meep* Androginy is my specialty. But whatever. I don't think I can reactivate my tablet... So old style with paper and pencil, if at all. But, no promises. I have so many commitments, it's driving me crazy *ack*

Every now and then I get posts on one of my old H/D fest submissions. It makes me so nostalgic ;_; Is HP fandom still active?? Does anyone know? Does anyone still see my blog, would be the right question at this point, heh.

And I see LJ has changed the interface quite a bit. And then I saw several fiends' journals scratched out or haven't posted in months/years! WAH! That is soooo sad T_T I truly hope they are doing great and wish them all the best wherever they are. They will be missed.

For everyone else who happens across this entry, I missed you! I hope you're doing great and all my best wishes to you <3333
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