Dear me, I'm waaaay behind fandom. This month was crazy with both fandom and RL events. A text post will come soon-ish cos I have good news to share. :D
For now, I'm picking up where I left
next_gen_ldws off, which by the way, is in the final round! w00t! Also, belatedly replying comments left unanswered.
Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: Albus Severus Potter
Rating: G
Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: Rose Weasely
Rating: G
Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: Hugo Weasely
Rating: G
Fandom: Harry Potter
Title: Scorpius Malfoy
Rating: G
A/N: My personal favourite, weee! I didn't originally visualise him like this, but the reference provided was way too edible to dismiss. Pristine!Scorp is damn sexy. He makes you want to rip his high collar off and tease him till he moans and writhes in pleasure! Just like Draco in the first film. :9