Sort of, kind of a meme/poll. Since I no longer have the nifty poll function, you'll have to leave your answers as a comment. Some questions are dork-ish, other are fannish and the rest is kinky XD
1. Pepsi or Coke
2. Burger King or McDonalds
3. Chai Latte or Cappuccino
4. 40°c/104°F or -40°c/-4°F
5. Money or Fame
6. Invisibility Cloak or Resurrection Stone
7. Ginny or Cho Chang
(skip if the next isn't applicable)
8. If you are to make a remix of your own art/fic, you would:
Pick the least I like and improve it OR
Pick the most you like and make it different
9. Regardless of what you are now, you would become:
Fanartist or Fanfic writer
10. If you could have a super power, which would it be:
The ability to understand any language on earth OR
The ability to be in several places at once
11. M-preg or hermaphroditism
12. If you became a man for a day, you'd like to experience:
Ejaculation or Dry orgasm
They are extreme, but that's part of the fun :3