[As it does on every New Years' Eve, the television buzzes to life as the clock strikes midnight. Once again, the same video is played:
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This is not a holiday. Not in the sense of the others; Christmas, Thanksgiving, Independence Day, all holidays whose core concepts endure even in the endless cycle in which Mayfield exists.
But New Year's Eve is meant to mark the passage of time, to end one year and begin another. Time holds no sway in this world; there is no such thing as "old" or "new". There is no end, and if there was ever a beginning it has been long forgotten. Mayfield is, was, and will be; it is eternal, endlessly feeding upon itself, a snake devouring its own tail. In Mayfield, things don't change.
...or at least, they're not supposed to.
Somewhere, in a very dark room, in a place that is very close and very far away, a man watches a number flash on a screen: