Intro - Really Late Again

Dec 16, 2011 22:44

Well, even later than the other one, but it's Ryochan again (you know, player of chaos, Kira, Sunny and Arshes Nei) with a 5th character (...what am I doing?) for you all.  This one you can blame on a few people who know exactly who they are, but if everyone will please mock welcome Kain Highwind from Final Fantasy IV!  He's the on-again off-again protagonist/antagonist of the story, depending on what plot point you're on.

In my case, I'm taking Kain from the original game, right after he steals the Crystal from the team as they emerge from the Sealed Cave.  Or in other words, back to the bad guy's side, oops!  If you don't know much about him, there's a few things you need to is all:

- He's a Dragoon; once he gets his power back this means he can jump way too high and come down on you with a spear for massive damage
- He's actually a very loyal person, but has such horrible self-esteem issues he can be controlled
- Expect a lot of rough remarks from him, as it's just his nature, but most times he does mean well
- If you hear him yelling at Golbez, this is to be expected so just ignore it and hope they don't break anything XD

Well, I'll bring Kain in after the event is over, since bringing him in now would be awkward.  But, once he comes in he'll be living at 435 Peepers Street with a bunch of NPCs drones, just to weird him out.  Please friend add  jumpingjudas and expect him to be part of the happy Mayfield family soon enough!
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