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Comments 131

dreambubbly December 15 2011, 06:47:22 UTC
Most others would have a corporeal being guiding them through a dream. Not the sprite of the emissary to the horrorterrors.

Those others are not Feferi Peixes, and those others have not had whispered prophecies from Gl'bgolyb in their ears and dreams and thoughts as long as they can remember. Feferi can't see her, but the voice is familiar in her ear, and she trusts it instinctively. Whatever happens, she knows it will be accurate. Not all prophecies come true, but this one will.

Feferi. I need you to pay attention to what you see here. Look, little one. Don't close your eyes.Feferi doesn't. She hardly blinks as her time in Mayfield flashes before her eyes. Even as she tears up, she doesn't look away. Not through the scenes of her friends being killed by zombies. Not when she sees them succumb after Thanksgiving, through the wasteland, by the cannibalistic creatures or by the sickness she remembers so well. She doesn't blink when she sees them bundled in blankets and pillows, cuddled close to stay warm, even as those tears fall ( ... )


goddamnhedgehog December 15 2011, 06:56:14 UTC
[It had been a long time since Shadow the Hedgehog had been haunted by strange visions. He'd confronted his past a long while ago. Put it behind him and moved on to live life as he saw fit. To live out his own destiny while fighting as he always had. But tonight, his subconscious had other plans. Tonight, he found himself caught in yet another bizarre dream. And for the first time in months, Shadow hears her voice calling his name. Surprised, he turns to address her.]


[His ears don't deceive him. Nor do his eyes. It really is her, Maria Robotnik, standing before him. A certain ethereal glow seems to surround her, bringing out the tiny little smile on her face. Proud, yet sad at the same time. Then she begins to speak ( ... )


autocrossbowplz December 15 2011, 09:13:44 UTC
[Edgar may not have been aware of what happened over Thanksgiving, but he recognizes a city destroyed when he sees one. That said, he's more concerned by the musclebound man suddenly standing next to him, one that bears a certain resemblance to Edgar...]

... Sabin? What are you doing here?

It's been a while, brother.

That it has. It's good to see you again, though I wish it were under better circumstances.

That makes two of us, brother.

[Sabin looks serious enough that Edgar begins to be concerned.]

What do you mean?

Let me show you.

[The town fades, and suddenly the two of them are back in Figaro Desert. The dream flashes through several key scenes; a young Edgar, keeping Sabin out in the sun too long, to the point of Sabin becoming incredibly ill; a young Edgar, brushing off his brother to chase women; an older Edgar, the night of their father's death, and Sabin, the pain of Edgar's obvious lie clear in his eyes, even more than that of his father's death; King Edgar, assisting the Empire that would destroy the world; his ( ... )


a1a1000 December 15 2011, 11:19:27 UTC
[Sollux had been staying up for nights since he got his troll body back. He couldn't stay up forever, but he could at least try. The nightmares were pretty bad and he wished that he had some sopor to help but he didn't. Soon enough, he reached his limit to how long he could stay up and decided to take a nap. Just a small little nap couldn't hurt, right?

Not exactly.

This dream was much more vivid then any other dream he has had. It was more vivid then any prophetic dream, any nightmare, even when he was on Derse or Prospit.

He was back in Mayfield, back on that terrible day when everything was destroyed. All the buildings were burned down, there was no grass growing in any yards. But unlike before, he was alone.

Nonsense, my boy. You are never alone.He turns around to see someone he recognizes and yet... he doesn't. He knows those four horns, those bifurcated eyes and the yellowish tint to his grey skin but the troll standing before him wasn't someone he's met. He's hears stories about his ancestor, the great Psiioniic, best ( ... )


a1a1000 December 15 2011, 11:20:32 UTC
The scene switches back to Mayfield, all glowing and happy. The other eleven trolls all happily enjoying their Christmases, all of them having giant smiles on their faces, even Aradia.

You'll get what you always wanted young one. You won't be in the way of anyone anymore. They won't even know about anyone named Sollux Captor, they'll all live great lives without you.

He kneels down and holds Sollux by the shoulders, looking right into his eyes.

That's what you want, right? You want them to be happy, to be safe? It will hurt for a bit child, but isn't a little bit of pain worth it? Won't you sacrifice yourself for their safety?

Sollux looks to the scene of all of them so happy, so much better off without him. He looks back at Psiioniic.]

Yes, I will.

[The Psiioniic smiles and gives him a hug.

That's my boy.]


notalwystrthful December 15 2011, 11:28:24 UTC
She knew it was closed off from her from the time being. The infinitesimal white space of complete nothingness, surrounded by only thousands upon thousands of bookshelves, books, and other records stored just in her mind. However, she still believed it would return to her. After all, that space - that area where she could feel at peace and not be threatened - was sacred to her and was only in her mind. It felt warm and it felt safe. And, tonight, Diana Ethelbert was dreaming that she was in this space, just like she had done on previous nights ( ... )


notalwystrthful December 15 2011, 11:30:09 UTC
The person seemed to smile before they decided to show a second vision. Everyone was happier than ever and everyone seemed to be doing better than before. In fact, her parents were almost to the point of domineering the entire business world. And it was all because of the fact that they didn't bother with a child who would take more time out of their already busy schedule. As for Diana, she wanted to reach out to her parents and say that she was here, but what was the use? They were happy without her and it seemed like Epyaxa virtually had no problems in it. All because she was never born ( ... )


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