Sup guys, Marion here. Couple things.
One, sorry I've been slow as molasses with tags. I've just gotten through a big midterm exam for bio, so I should be up to normal speed again.
Two, Doc Scratch is getting canon updated! With the ending of Act 5 come and gone, he's going to be updated to the end. Only real difference is that he has accomplished all his evil douchebag related goals, is now dead, got his crazy boss into paradox space and everyone is a big s u c k e r.
This should pretty much sum it all up in the most proper and concise manner (spoilers for the End of Act 5, if we're still labeling them at this point).
Oh and I'm also journal swapping, not renaming. So new journal completely that needs to be added in.
friend remove cueballer
friend add suckers
On the LJ admin console Or
cueballer and
suckers! I'll post a note on the cueballer journal too so that people know to switch.
He'll be droned as of Monday and be brought back to Mayfield on Tuesday morning.