Aug 22, 2011 15:41
H I A T-- oh wait.
Okay guys. I really haven't been feeling Mayfield at all so if anyone can help me remedy this I'd love them forever (especially since soon enough Hermione will have been here for a year).
As it is... Between panic attacks, electricity going out and general stress... Welp, I figured I'd post this a few days early. See on Thursday I'll be moving into my dorm and on Monday I'll be starting classes. Between six--technically seven, thank you math-- classes and general "oh crap I'm a college student now"... In true Hermione fashion I am going to be the worst overachiever ever and panic, stress, flail and generally keep my nose in my books for the first several weeks.
So until about the 16th of September Hermione will be on hiatus! She won't be droned seeing as there might be times I can post/tag, but in general, I won't be around. You should hopefully be able to catch me via e-mail, pm or plurk, but... There may only be sometimes that I can tag and sporadically!
See you soon and don't drink the milk!