
Jul 19, 2011 20:43

[Wednesday morning is a particularly warm day in Mayfield. With the sun in the sky, it seems like the perfect time to go for a swim down at the rec center. Luckily for you, although the pool has been closed off the past two days, it seems as though this morning, someone has left the door unlocked ( Read more... )


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coolbowtie July 20 2011, 03:46:46 UTC
[As soon as he sees the uniform, the Doctor jumps into the pool (in the shallow end because Time Lords are not made for swimming!) and goes over the body. It's not any fellow officer that he recognizes. Which makes him even more nervous about the entire thing.

He takes it gently by the hand and pulls it into the shallow end, preparing to examine it.]


mayfield_mods July 20 2011, 03:54:03 UTC
[The hand in his grasp tenses slightly as he touches it.

This man is still alive.]


coolbowtie July 20 2011, 03:57:22 UTC
[The Doctor gasps and grabs the man by the middle and pulls him over to the stairs used to exist and enter the pool.

The Doctor struggles to carry the man out of the pool gently, being a skinny weak idiot, and instead settles for leaving him propped up against the stairs.

He turns the man over, to keep his face out of the water.]


mayfield_mods July 20 2011, 04:00:10 UTC
[The man coughs and sputters as he's pulled from the water. The Doctor might notice the deep blood stains all over his uniform, implying the head wound is not the only wound. The Doctor might notice that his badge does in fact say Officer Grady. The Doctor might also notice the head wound: it appears a bullet went through the man's eye at close range. A large part of his face is gone.

There is no reason this man should still be alive.]


coolbowtie July 20 2011, 04:02:19 UTC
[The Doctor cringes at the sight of such wounds, but swallows and gets closer to the man. Helping him keep his head up out of the water as he coughs.]

...Officer Grady?


mayfield_mods July 20 2011, 04:03:53 UTC
[He groans, obviously in terrible pain at being moved.]

Don't call me that.

What do you think you're doing?


coolbowtie July 20 2011, 04:06:01 UTC
Your badge...

[Is he really going to try to argue with the should be corpsy-guy? Really? Best not to.]

Right, well, was thinking about investigating your body. But then it turned out, somehow, that you're actually not a corpse at all! ...Mostly.


mayfield_mods July 20 2011, 04:11:56 UTC
I'm a corpse. A living one.

I know what my badge says, and I am who you think.


coolbowtie July 20 2011, 04:14:25 UTC
Well, seems I had it right. D'you remember me? I'm one of your... erm, Grady's officers. Before you went all corpse-y.

The Doctor?

[He gestures to himself.]

And obviously, I'm going to ask you what happened, so might as well as right now. Take your time. What happened?


mayfield_mods July 20 2011, 04:17:12 UTC
Yes, I know who you are. "Officer Doctor." It doesn't make us friends.

[He coughs]

Don't waste your breath. I stopped going to church when I was a kid, and I don't need any deathbed confessions to set me on my way.


coolbowtie July 20 2011, 04:18:45 UTC
No, but you know me. And that's a start.

[A pause.]

Well, I've never been to church at all and I'm not looking for a deathbed confession for your soul. I want to know what happened and why. For the sake of everyone else here.


mayfield_mods July 20 2011, 04:26:58 UTC
For their sake, is that right?

Why am I supposed to care? As far as I'm concerned, your existence is a ridiculous joke.


coolbowtie July 20 2011, 04:29:17 UTC
And why is that? Jokes tend to be funny, I haven't laughed in sometime since coming here.

Really bad joke if you ask me.


mayfield_mods July 20 2011, 04:31:38 UTC
I never laughed, either.

But none of you are worth a second of my breath. Get out of here.


coolbowtie July 20 2011, 04:37:19 UTC
And why's that? Seems like a lot of time is wasted keeping us penned in and inline.


mayfield_mods July 20 2011, 04:41:06 UTC
Seems so.

[He closes his eyes, tuning out the Doctor's voice.]


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