welcome to port west

Jun 04, 2011 00:37

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letunityblossom June 4 2011, 06:37:58 UTC
[Lithuania refused the bathing suit--was this some sort of reward for what he'd done? He certainly didn't deserve anything of the sort. He wanders around instead, a tiny bit jumpy but otherwise just confused.]


wristsniper June 4 2011, 14:19:04 UTC
[You would not believe how casually she is walking up to you.]


letunityblossom June 4 2011, 19:07:38 UTC
[Lithuania can't help but be a little wary, though he doesn't back away or leave.]

Major General.


wristsniper June 4 2011, 19:11:41 UTC
So you know who I am this time.


letunityblossom June 4 2011, 19:38:13 UTC

[She's pretty hard for him to forget at this point.

Part of him wants to apologize, but saying "I'm sorry" wouldn't nearly be enough.]


wristsniper June 4 2011, 19:59:50 UTC
[She is literally just glaring. And she has her sword.]

I was poisoned, so don't think I'm that weak, idiot.


letunityblossom June 4 2011, 20:05:30 UTC
[He's a bit startled--of all the things to say. He's keeping the sword in the corner of his eye.]

I noticed after I found the gun again. You fought well regardless, I'm sure you would have been better still unpoisoned.


wristsniper June 4 2011, 20:08:51 UTC
Don't toss platitudes at me. I owe you one now, and you're going to take it when you least expect it, unless you can give me a really good reason not to kick your ass.


letunityblossom June 4 2011, 20:21:21 UTC
I don't have one. I can hardly apologize, that would be ridiculous. Go ahead.

[He sounds vaguely resigned, if anything.]


wristsniper June 4 2011, 20:24:32 UTC
I'm not doing it now. I don't feel like it. But when you forget that I'm after you, I'll make sure you remember me. Got it?


letunityblossom June 4 2011, 20:37:27 UTC
Fine. I assume you'll expect similar treatment from whoever you killed to get here.

[He's feeling rather relaxed about this entire thing, more so than he thought he would be.

Then again, he's had worse.]


wristsniper June 4 2011, 20:57:41 UTC
Not really, no. He had that one coming.


letunityblossom June 4 2011, 21:00:40 UTC
Did he? Would it have mattered if it was someone else?


wristsniper June 4 2011, 21:05:52 UTC
It would have. I don't kill for fun. Being a soldier is a way of life, but that doesn't mean I'm going to murder people at every given chance. I'm not an animal.


this might be one of the weirder conversation situations Liet's been in letunityblossom June 4 2011, 21:10:24 UTC
I don't go out of my way to kill, either. I'm sure a lot of people here have excuses for what they did, though.


...it's pretty normal for Livs in Mayfield XD wristsniper June 4 2011, 21:21:08 UTC
Hah. I'm not making an excuse. I killed a man in cold blood. I do that. Sometimes it has to be done.

If you're making excuses to justify what you did, you're nothing to me. What kind of a weak idiot do you have to be to invent a reason to do something here? Attitudes like that are why we aren't gone. No drive, no guts, no one is honest with themselves.

[She scoffs. Lithuania is now one of the few to witness her real, unshaded opinion of the situation they're in.]

I'll let you all flounder around until you realize that my way is the only way. I don't mind waiting.


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