welcome to port west

Jun 04, 2011 00:37

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VIP SECTION cueballer June 4 2011, 06:21:15 UTC
[When he was ushered into this part of the area, he was just a little surprised. Huh. A reward for slaughtering more people than anyone else? Mayfield truly had a strange taste in dark humor. Oh well, he won't look a gift horse in the mouth.

Have fun trying to get to him, people he killed off. Accomplished murderers only.]


cruelmiracle June 4 2011, 06:29:38 UTC
[Bernkastel found herself similarly ushered inside, where she met a familiar--well, person, if not one with a face, per-say.]

Acknowledging effort, I suppose.


cueballer June 4 2011, 06:38:22 UTC

It seems so. Our hosts are most gracious in that manner, but that is what you get for being a winner. [Even if that win came from the deaths of others. Oh well!]


cruelmiracle June 4 2011, 06:49:48 UTC
[She calls for tea from one of the drones.] At least they show some degree of courtesy; I'd been starting to think them subpar hosts.


cueballer June 4 2011, 06:51:27 UTC
They could certainly do better in many aspects and this doesn't really suit me, but I won't complain. It has certainly been an interesting week or so.


cruelmiracle June 4 2011, 06:57:51 UTC
Perhaps they've only recently acquired their abilities. Usually that sort of thing stops after the first thousand years. [No need for grand displays of power when you know you have the power, after all, unless you need to use it.]

I do enjoy their games, however.


cueballer June 4 2011, 07:01:20 UTC
I would not be surprised if that speculation turned into a revelation. With power comes great greed and hunger. Like children with brand new toys, smashing them around. As for the quality of their games, I do believe they could have done much better. [He lays back on the chair, admiring the view with his no eyes.] This educational experience has been rewarding. I've learned much through my first experience.


cruelmiracle June 4 2011, 07:04:39 UTC
They lack elegance, but I am still young enough to find amusement in such things. [Only a few thousand years; Lambda and Featherine are both older than her, after all. She sips her tea and sits in a chair of her own.]

I have not been here long, but the style of this game is interesting enough to hold my attention, at least for now.


cueballer June 4 2011, 07:11:36 UTC
You should treasure your youth. When you become as old as I am, not much seems amusing anymore. ...Actually thats a lie. I find many things quite amusing, enough to bring about a laugh.

Unfortunately they will force you to take part even if you are not interested. That is why I feel it is better to simply go along with the flow. It makes things easier in the long run. Take this for example. Haa Haa.


cruelmiracle June 4 2011, 07:36:21 UTC
[She giggles.]

People here spend a great deal of time getting worked up over things here that ultimately have no consequence. The first death is the hardest, though, I suppose.


cueballer June 4 2011, 07:40:15 UTC
The first death implies future deaths. No mortal should have to live more than once, so I can understanding the sentiment of them not wishing to have such a fragile life toyed with. To blame a mortal for valuing their one short life seems rather unfair to them. We, who are immortals, do not have that fear.


cruelmiracle June 4 2011, 08:20:44 UTC
In this situation they've been granted temporary immortality. [She sipped her tea.] Even for a mortal, death can become tedious.


cueballer June 4 2011, 08:24:49 UTC
Immortality is not something that should be granted. It becomes wasteful in the hands of amateurs, who do not understand the bounds of their power. Playing with your cards up when you haven't practiced it as an art is asking for trouble.

[He would sigh here, but he has no need to with his magnificent cueball head.]

You are a witch, correct Miss Bernkastel? You must be only be about a thousand years old I wager.


cruelmiracle June 4 2011, 08:32:43 UTC
You wager correctly. [The tip of her cat tail twitches.] Others of my level are old maids, really.


cueballer June 4 2011, 08:36:58 UTC
That would make you something of a prodigy. Hee Hee. You would make a good protégée of mine, but you are much to old despite being a young girl in my eyes. [And too smart. His protégées tend to be trusting of strangers for some reason.]


cruelmiracle June 4 2011, 08:52:49 UTC
Being a protégée of yours might cost me a few deaths. [She giggles.] Though I wouldn't be adverse to stopping by for tea, when this game is over and I resume my voyaging.


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