welcome to port west

Jun 04, 2011 00:37

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lotuslife June 4 2011, 06:15:43 UTC
[Wandering around the island, trying to find a port or a boat or some way to get out. When she loops around for the first time, though, she comes to a stop in front of the one palm tree she began at, and tries not to scream.

Is she really stuck on an island full of psychopaths? Really? Yes, she's discluding herself from this description, okay.]


1800deadpoo June 4 2011, 06:24:23 UTC
[HEY WHO ARE YOU CALLING A PSYCHOPATH just because he killed a bunch of people and enjoyed it and does it for a living -- okay yeah we see your point here. Deadpool's head pops out of the palm tree above her as he hangs upside-down from a branch, wearing nothing other than swimtrunks and his signature mask.]

Hey, pretty lady! Wanna buy me a drink?


lotuslife June 4 2011, 06:26:47 UTC
[She claps a hand over her mouth to conceal another yelp and WHO IS THIS PERSON oh wait a mask... and he's hanging upside down... she knows this she knows it America talks about him all the time-]


[Wait, why does she even care about this. AHEM-] E-excuse me, do I look like I am carrying any money? [points to her bikini-clad self and hey wait WHY DOES THE WOMAN HAVE TO BUY THE DRINK]


1800deadpoo June 4 2011, 06:33:05 UTC

It's Deadpool, Deadpool! Why does everyone keep mistakin' me for Spidey? My costume is way cooler than his! And so am I! Shooting sticky white fluid ain't a real superpower, I do it all the time!

[And he's just going to stare at Vietnam's boobs for a bit hey she asked him to look so it's totally legit okay]

Dunno, I've seen people smuggle cash in weirder places than that.


lotuslife June 4 2011, 06:34:34 UTC
You do it 'all the'-- [oh now she gets it OH GOD WHY. she squeaks and turns red.] D-don't speak that way to a lady-!




W-well, I... I am not one of them!


1800deadpoo June 4 2011, 06:38:19 UTC
Hey, I'm equal-opportunity here! Women deserve t'be treated exactly the same as men! [and by that he means that he will just as happily PUNCH ONE IN THE FACE]


Ya sure? Y'don't hafta be shy, I admire dedication in a lady!


lotuslife June 4 2011, 06:40:58 UTC

Th-that is enough of that, Mr. Dead Pool. [tries to cover herself but it's SO FUTILE] Aren't you going to ask my name?


1800deadpoo June 4 2011, 06:45:24 UTC
[It's okay, hanging upside down means all of his blood is going to the head that doesn't matter anyway. Speaking of which, he pulls himself back up into the tree; there's a couple of rustling noises before he drops down to the ground, now with two katanas strapped to his back and a couple of very impressive rifles strapped to his legs.]

What, you don't like 'pretty lady'? What's your name, then?


lotuslife June 4 2011, 06:46:27 UTC
[oh god okay she kind of wants those rifles. now she's staring at them instead of him.]

...Vietnam. [pretty rifles

beautiful rifles]


1800deadpoo June 4 2011, 06:50:57 UTC
...I'm flattered, really, but my eyes are up here. Though you can take a closer look if you wanna, I like a girl who can appreciate a good pair of guns! [and by guns he means...guns. really.]

Vietnam, huh? That a codename, or you another onna those country types?


lotuslife June 4 2011, 06:51:42 UTC
[wow way to be a hypocrite ok. she'll step closer anyway.] Hm? Ah, no, it's certainly my name. I am a... 'country type', yes.


1800deadpoo June 4 2011, 07:03:03 UTC
[you only love him for the size of his guns!!] Cool! I've been to Vietnam a coupla times - great place. Lessee if I remember any of the language....

[he clears his throat, then in fluent Vietnamese with very little trace of an accent:] How much does that prostitute cost? And I'm gonna need that rifle to-go, chop suey!


lotuslife June 5 2011, 08:24:07 UTC
[her eyes immediately leave the... um huge guns and look up at him, startled.] A-ah, you speak it? [...granted he didn't say anything particularly nice BUT STILL.]


theseineone June 4 2011, 06:27:51 UTC
[Is it so bad? Really? Think of all the sexy psychopaths.

Speaking of, one very sexy individual is watching her from a safe distance, leaning against his own tree.]

Ah, was someone a naughty girl?


lotuslife June 4 2011, 06:32:42 UTC
[France why are you so handsome it makes it even harder to hate you.

She strategically averts her eyes, looking up into the sky as she speaks, crossing her arms over her chest.] Look who is talking! I am in no mood to put up with hypocrisy.


theseineone June 4 2011, 06:38:12 UTC
Now, now, chèrie, don't get upset. [Okay, looks like he's not about to be attacked right this second so France decides it's safe to walk over to her. He might be checking her out a little. Might. A little.] I was merely asking a question.


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