[private, unhackable]
There are a lot of new people here. What is he...?
Are you complaining?
No, of course not. The more of them they are, the less attention he pays to us.
True enough. We just need to keep an eye on them. A firm hold, as it were.
Order. We need to maintain order. They must be kept in line. You understand.
I understand. Where are you going with this?
We're letting... him out.
...What? After what happened last time? Are you sure about this?
Alright. I don't like it, but we don't really have a choice, do we?
They need to learn. When a child misbehaves, that child is punished.
These aren't children. Not all of them.
But they are. Our children. And if they're going to live here, they have to learn how.
I just don't want a repeat of... last time.
He has assured me it won't happen again.
Well, he would, wouldn't he?
Do you doubt me? Are you doubting me?
No! I'm in this, too. We both are. I want this to work. Even if it means using him.
Just do your job. That's all you need to do. That's all you've ever needed to do.
...I know.
Make them pay for their defiance.