Running with monsters in shadow...

Oct 10, 2010 02:19

Who: Dio Brando and Noriaki Kakyoin
What: A plot finally comes together and Dio seizes an opportunity.
When: During/After the Blitzball game
Where: A secluded area of the stadium
Warnings: Violence and kidnapping ahoy!

*Dio heard that Kakyoin would be out. He'd been planning something for a long time now, something that would remind his eternal foe of the power he still held and the trauma he'd caused in the past. Finding Kakyoin when he was alone was, naturally, easier said than done. Dio was very good at waiting, very good at being patient, and very good at monitoring things he shouldn't be monitoring. Finally, his efforts paid off. Here and now stood his opportunity. The vampire had taken a huge risk coming out in the fading shadows of the day, but he had done this before.*

Noriaki. There you are.
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