Who: Simon, Kaito (assuming Styx is still in on this one?), Tifa, Ed, and whoever else we pick up along the way :|b Which, yes, makes this insanely open :|b
When: Whenever the snow is :|
Where: Wherever there is something to break into
Warnings: Longest cut title evar, "Fire and Ice" by Robert Frost
What: ... What else are logs I post about? I
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So were the lights strung up around town. And of course the cold temperatures. T3 did not like to test how durable his circuits were in this temperature, but with the town obviously malfunctioning and the drones gone, it would be entirely illogical to make no investigations. He had heard the human Simon's message over the system--knowing that he couldn't exactly communicate, T3 decided to simply go find it.
The utility droid chimed quietly when Simon came into visual range.
But he followed it with a determined-sounding noise. Extremes of temperatures or no, he was determined to make use of this opportunity.
But the city hall, now, that seemed to be a logical location for the owners of this town to place their control center. T3 tilted his head and made a querying chime, wanting to know which location they would investigate first.
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