Germany knows drills.

Jul 02, 2009 11:28

Who: Germany and anyone who was interested in coming to Daily Training Drills, whether you replied to his post or not, all are welcome!
When: Technicially, July 29th, one day after he announced he was doing this; 5:30pm on the dot.
Where: The Park
Warnings: Pain and violence? of the comedic kind, though, to be sure.
What: Time for training drills!! YOU LOVE DRILLS, DON'T YOU.
Note: After this log, assume that Germany continues holding these drills every day in the park at 5:30pm. Every single day. I'll be sure to note it in all his entries from now on, too<3

Germany stood on the green grass of the park before a sorry group of individuals who he was determined to turn into REAL SOLDIERS. And what do soldiers need? Discipline, positive reinforcement, and more discipline. After a good 10-minutes stretch-and-work-out, he lined everyone up, ready for the main event.

"All right, soldiers. In Mayfield, we are the kidnapped, and we are at a disadvantage. But that disadvantage will disappear if we work hard enough and are prepared for any situation. That is why we will run a series of hypothetical scenarios, and you will answer with the appropriate reaction to said scenario. Understood?

"Now. If England were to run at you with no pants on and brandishing a swordfish, WHAT DO YOU DO?!"

The drills continued with random scenario practicing like this for the rest of the time, and they ended with more cardio work-outs. Slackers were punished.

edward elric, kamina, germany, osaka

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