Forward Dated to Christmas Eve

Dec 23, 2009 13:18

Characters: America and friends who know who they are. Anyone who was invited by America or his allies. The place is tricked out with surveillance and rudimentary traps, so no crashing, commies.
What: America's Christmas Party
When: about 9 PM Christmas Eve
Where: 1762 Beaver Street
Warnings: A holly jolly time and also pending nuclear holocaust.

America prepares for his Christmas party all day in a cheerful mood he's rarely seen in these days. A delicious (or at least passable) Christmas dinner is prepared, along with brightly decorated Christmas cookies (super food colored frosting and sprinkles, but oddly enough, no red). There's also hot cocoa, apple cider, and Christmas coca-cola for the kids, and beer, eggnog, and mimosas for the grown-ups.

America is dressed up like Santa, with a bag of toys for the kiddies. There's a brightly lit Christmas tree in the living room, and handmade strung popcorn and streamer decorations, as well as mistletoe in the doorway. Outside, America puts up colored lights, even around the boarded up windows. He even unboards the fireplace, although he leaves the explosives and the bear trap in the chimney.

The whole time he decorates and prepares, America is whistling only one song- Home for the Holidays. Finally, when the decorating is done and before the guests are able to arrive, he goes down into the basement he'd turned into a bunker. He deactivates bombs and wire traps and a security code. He takes out the key he keeps around his neck at all times, the key he leaves in a safe in the bedroom, and the key he leaves under a loose board in the basement wall. He puts all three keys into the large bomb that's carefully hidden behind all the traps, a tarp, and also his tool bench. He turns the keys, and he sets a timer for ten before midnight.

And then he puts the tarp back over it and goes back upstairs, still whistling, locking the basement door behind him with the other key he keeps around his neck at all times. He turns on some Christmas music that clashes with the song he's still whistling, and he gets ready to greet some guests.

((OOC: Forward dated to Christmas Eve! Made two organizational threads within the post for convenience, and will make another thread later for plot that will get under way. Totally understand if you're busy in the next couple days, though. If you like, we can assume your character was around doing likely things?))

jill valentine, lithuania, america, sue white, cornelius, russia, sophie jenkins, england, meriken

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