Sniper Versus Spy, Winter Update

Dec 28, 2011 13:54

Who: BLU Sniper bye_to_yer_head and RED Spy meettheknife
What: Sniper is feeling charitable and makes sure that RED Spy didn't freeze to death.
When: Post-Christmas
Where: The phone!
Warnings: None for now.

Sniper had survived the winter and the power outages. Sure he had built a fort out of couch cushions and had been forced to entertain the BLU Spy for longer than he would have liked, but at least he was alive and hadn't frozen to death. In fact the town had seen fit to give him a sock full of goodies and his uniform back, complete with his Anger Hood, great for cold weather.

He had already checked on his teammates and on Miss Pauling and the RED Engineer just to make sure everyone survived. That left only one person whose fate he didn't know. His hand hovered on the phone receiver as he debated with himself. Best to just find out. He reasoned that if no one answered, or a drone did, he could just assume the RED Spy had died or left, and then he'd sleep a mite easier at nights. With that thought firmly wedged in his mind he picked up the phone and dialed.

Ring ring ring M. Spy.

red spy

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