Theories and annoyances

Dec 08, 2009 17:56

Who: Edward Elric, Alphonse Elric, Russel and Fletcher Tringham.
What: They come to Ed's to pester chew him out on his theories on reversing the droning.
When: Dec 8th
Where: Edward's house/room.
Rating: Pg-13 since Russel will be there and Ed has a mouth? XD

Ed gave a small sigh as he hung up from Alphonse. Really, he shouldn't be surprised it had come to this, it was bound to happen eventually. Al had something of a sixth sense when it came to his brother after all, it was only natural he was suspicious of Ed's accidental message. He slumped, head hitting the desk lightly as he let out a soft groan. This was going to go down real swell, he could tell already.

Still, Al had the right to know, and Ed had talked to Winry, Rika and Ling about his theory, so it was only fair he told his brother about it, right? All the same, he couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive of Al's reaction.

alphonse elric, edward elric, fletcher tringham, russell tringham

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