It Came from Ponyville!

Oct 30, 2011 22:56

Who: Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Other Ponies, Friends of Ponies, not!Family Members, and any onlookers
What: Ponies stalking event
When: Sunday, October 30th
Where: All over Mayfield
Warnings: Rampant silliness?

[Mayfield has been infested with creatures of the night of all types who are (kinda) quietly stalking their loved ones and friends! And this does not exclude our four-legged residents either. No, some of you may feel a pair of eyes on your back and the clopping of hooves echoing after your own steps as VAMPIRE PONIES ROAM THE NIGHT!

Closer it approaches....


Closer... Until!]

Dash?! What in the hay are you doing here? ...You're not planning on kidnapping mah target, are ya?

Your target? I think you're talking about my target. I got here first!"

Well how was Ah suppose to know with you sneaking around like that?! You can't stalk out in the open like a normal pony?"

Uh, duh! How am I supposed to catch anypony by walking around out in the open? You gotta be sneaky, Applejack!"

You don't need to be sneaky to catch somepony! Why, Ah bet Ah can catch more than you without hiding around even once!"

Oh yeah? I bet I could catch twice - no, three times more then you could with my way!"

Oh it is on! 24 hours! The pony who brings the most back to their crypt in that time is the winner! We'll see who does it better!"

You got it! Just try not to get too mad when I win. Heh heh.

Don't go counting your chickens before they're hatched, a lot can happen in 24 hours after all! And may the best pony win!

[At which point the two colorful ponies shake hooves and then take off with a swoosh of their capes in opposite directions to begin the contest!]

((OOC note: Rainbow Dash and Applejack are full on competing on who can kidnap the most, so they'll be out tracking down their friends and not!family members to add to the number. Feel free to post as you either see (or not see) one of them stalking after you, or even both as they obviously have friends in common. Or if you want to just stare at ponies stalking around, feel free to do that too. If they do catch you, they'll take you back to their 'crypt,' make a chalk mark on some handy gravestone, and run off to go kidnap another, so don't feel like you need to stay there once captured.))
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