Who: Rarity, Princess Celestia, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Spike, Nina, Johan, Equius, and Xion.
What: A fancy tea party
Where: Monsterhaus (836 Hastings)
When: Friday, September 30th at 3:00 sharp!
Warning: Probably none, but hey, who knows. Action tags once the log has begun just to keep things moving, threadjacking and backtagging are both totally cool.
It's Friday afternoon at long last, and Rarity is looking fabulous despite having worked herself silly all week long in preparation for the tea party. Of course, she could have saved herself a lot of hassle by just pushing off the commissions Ruri had requested to replenish the cosplay cafe's stock of costumes, but her overconfidence and workaholism just wouldn't allow it. Still, Rarity is nothing if not amazing under pressure, and she frequently pulls off some of her best work when a deadline is looming and she's buried in work. Her housemates may catch her yawning off and on, but there's too much to be done to worry about sleeping now.
And so it is that she's busying herself around the house fussing over every last detail and making sure everything is just right before the guests start to arrive. Despite all she's had to do in order to prepare, Rarity herself is looking elegant and poised, wearing a dress made from what looks to be spun silver with tasteful blue highlights around the trim. It's actually a lot less audacious than her usual attire, but Mayfield has forced her to make some sacrifices. Her mane is also coiffed to perfection, a few extra curls bouncing cheerfully as she trots around the house checking and double-checking everything.
The house itself has been left mostly alone in terms of decorations, but Rarity's housemates should notice that absolutely everything has been cleaned, dusted, and organized - books put in their proper place and sorted meticulously, furniture arranged for maximum comfort and ease of access, and the kitchen and dining area are absolutely spotless. The wing has been inserted into the dining room table to make room for a large number of guests, and there is now a fancy blue silk tablecloth adorning it in place of the standard issue Mayfield one. There is also a place setting for each member of the household, as well as seven more for Rarity's friends from home. The silverware, as one might expect, is properly arranged for a fancy social occasion such as this, teacups all resting on saucers, and a teapot sitting in the middle of it all. There is also a silver tray full of cucumber sandwiches, and smaller plates on which to place them.
"Well! That should do it. It was all a bit under the wire, but I think things have turned out rather splendidly! Now all that's left is to wait for the arrival of our guests!"