Aug 26, 2011 07:56

Who: Terezi Pyrope and you!!!
What: Grocery shopping! Which is a lot harder when you are blind.
When: Friday, August 26th, afternoon. This is also before she regains her troll body because I am holding off on that for a bit!
Where: Mayfield grocery store............
Warnings: No major ones???

[Somehow, Terezi has managed to procure a cane of her own with some negotiating with her drone human mothergrub lusus (whose presence she still doesn't entirely get, but oh well), and for the first time she actually needs it. Terezi's become used to being blind, but not blind blind, where she can't actually see. It's complicated, okay.

But she's always been very bullDRAGONheaded in that once she becomes fixated on something, she goes through with it all the way, whether it's her mock trials or a sudden determination to troll the hell out of some random human coolkid. So she's been practicing with the cane and making her way around Mayfield, noting the streets and the way the lawnrings line up and how to get to the schoolhive and other things. Chief among her surprising realizations is the feel of sunlight on her skin, perfectly harmless. It would probably taste pretty great if she could look at it, she thinks! Can humans look at their own sun? She's not sure. Probably not. But if it tastes as good as it feels, then these humans are obviously taking their delicious sun for granted.

After some questioning, her drone human mothergrub lusus said that cherries could be obtained at the 'grocer's'. What exactly a grosser is is a mystery to Terezi. Why a gross human would be in charge of something as delicious as cherries is beyond her. The human world is so interesting.

Once she'd obtained directions to the grosser from another human, Terezi made her way over. She was assured that she would know she was there once she saw the 'shopping carts'. Unable to see anything, Terezi assumed she could just hop on one and it would cart her directly to the cherries. Humans sure are brilliant!

But what all of this has actually resulted in is a girl with a cane sitting inside of a shopping cart, using said cane as a sort of paddle to push herself through the aisles. She is leaving piles of cans and jars in her wake.]

Okay, grosser! I am here and I expect you to direct me immediately to the cherries. And they had better not taste gross, blaaaaah.

[She knocks over a display of detergent, picks a bottle up, and uncaps it to sniff at the rim.] This smells pretty good too! Okay, I'll take one of these.

[She looks like she might try to drink it........

Meanwhile, the drones are just kind of looking at her in dismay.]
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