
Oct 26, 2009 09:01

Who: Aigis and anyone she spoke to about going costume shopping
What: We're going on a costume hunt.  Everybody needs to do something fun, sometimes.  Kudos and internets to anyone who suggests dressing Aigis up like an angel.
Where: Around the stores and such.
When: October 26th, after school.
Warnings: General awesome and goofiness.

Stalker!Bot's first Halloween! : D )

shiki tohno, souji seta, robo kaito, ken amada, mitsuru kirijo, akihiko sanada, aigis

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semblance October 26 2009, 18:00:23 UTC
It didn't take Mitsuru long to spot Aigis in amongst the various students (most of which she knew by now) as she left the school building. Her last class of the day had been particularly grueling to teach and she was looking forward to an afternoon of something a little less challenging. Not that this wasn't going to be interesting, for Mitsuru probably had about as much experience with costume shopping as Aigis did. Clothes shopping in general for that matter had been a rare thing for her. It simply wasn't needed when you had a family stylist who personally selected all of your clothes after all.

All in all, the red head was rather excited as she greeted the robot. "Ah, Aigis, there you are. Bon après-midi~"


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emperorziodyne October 26 2009, 20:59:49 UTC
Halloween wasn't necessarily a holiday that Akihiko had celebrated much back at home. He had seen and read a lot about it in newspapers and books, though, and he had to admit it... intrigued him some. The costume tradition was eerily similar to the kimono one that all the festivals in Iwatodai honored, and as he approached the school, he found his mind wandering back to the last festival he had celebrated with SEES.

... now was probably not the best time to be thinking about Junpei's claims that all girls go commando underneath their kimonos.

With an awkward cough, he approached Mitsuru and Aigis with a wave. "Yo," he said, before his gaze darted sideways and he caught sight of Shinjiro. "And you too," he called out to his friend.


artwithknives October 26 2009, 23:15:42 UTC
Halloween hadn't been a thing for Shiki either. He had heard of it but like most holidays, he preferred to avoid it to keep his parents from doing something something out of their way for him. That translated to going to Arihiko's house and then getting dragged out to drink. Man, those days were a huge waste of time, now that he thought about it.

And now that he thought about it again, he didn't know these other two people standing by Aigis now that he found. Oh boy, more awkward times. Shiki sighed, pushed his glasses up on his face, and opened his mouth in greeting.

"Yo! I'm glad to see I'm not the first here."


jumpsintvs October 27 2009, 00:37:35 UTC
"Good to know that for me, too." Souji said as he came up behind Shiki. He hadn't done much for Halloween in the past - he'd acknowledged it, for the most part. He never actually participated, really, but it was something that he had heard about it. It always sounded pretty interesting, and he didn't mind getting a chance to experience it.

"Hey everyone." He said, smiling at the people that had gathered there. It would be fun to go look for costumes and get ready for the upcoming holiday. The fact that Mayfield had seemingly changed overnight sure helped to make it seem more like the time of year that it was.


vengeanceshota October 27 2009, 04:34:20 UTC
Ken had followed Akihiko grudgingly. Costumes for kids. And he? Was not a kid. He did not want to get dressed up in a costume. He did not want to participate in Halloween. He didn't want to participate in much of anything, aside from finding out who killed Akihiko and making sure she never did it again, but that's another story. He'd done that before.

He could be patient.

And he could pretend to be okay. If anything for the rest of SEES. He didn't want them to think anything was up.

So he smiled when he saw the others and pretended everything was all right butodeargodhedidn'twanttogetacostume.


semblance October 27 2009, 15:30:31 UTC
"Is that everyone we're waiting for Aigis?" Mitsuru asks as she looks around, after greeting everyone and giving Aki THE EVIL SUSPICIOUS EYE + questioning look for his awkward coughing. She'd been expecting Minato to have agreed to tag along, but then perhaps he'd fallen asleep... It seemed a likely possibility. He'd certainly been doing that in some of her classes lately, much to her chagrin. Then again he should probably be commended for his bravery in doing so.


vitative October 28 2009, 12:39:48 UTC
Aigis looked a little disappointed about their lack of Minato, and looked around a few times. "Yes... this must be everyone."


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tickingheart October 28 2009, 23:45:53 UTC
Kaito saunters up, from a direction that was most certainly not the school. He's grinning slightly, like always, hands in his pockets.

"Hey! Sorry I'm late."


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