The Emperor and the Magician, crossed by the reversed Lovers

May 13, 2011 01:03

Who: Garviel and Rin, plus any member of the 2237 Stevens household that want to threadjack
What: Feelings Jam between Tsun Master and the Phlegmatic Partner
When: Monday, may 9th.
Where: 2237 Stevens Road
Warning: Possible F/SN spoilers. Grimdarkery. Soppy oogy boogy feelings.

Garviel waits for her, tea steaming fitfully in the kettle, a pile of store-bought tea biscuits on a tray near the couch. The couch creaks unhappily from the huge bulk of the body-glove wearing Astartes.

He considers what to say, how to apologize, what questions to ask. How he's going to deal with all of the issues that his recent discussions have brought up. And he just waits for her. The most important person in Mayfield to him.

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