Who? Poland (
findingponies) and Lithuania (
Where? Poland's House
When? September 28, evening
Rating/Warnings It's Poland. How bad can it be?
Poland hated Russia. Well, at least, he really really really really really really strongly disliked Russia. He didn't hate too many countries, but, ugh, Russia had to be way high on the list. The black list. As opposed to the white list, which Liet was on.
Only, when Liet had called to tell him he was avoiding Russia, of course Poland said, "Huh? Oh, it's, like, no problem!" But when he put the phone down he was still coughing a lot and was not having any luck in not showing Russia.
Case and point. Because Russia was totes being a creeper about all of this stuff.
But whatever, he'd just wait for Liet.
And wait.
And wait.
And Sunday he started feeling tired.
Monday morning he didn't want to get up at all and in the afternoon he had started throwing up.
It was totally gross.
This was exactly like being in a recession.
Or being partitioned.
Or any of that stupid stuff.
And, like, it totally wasn't helping this was the stupid anniversary of surrendering to the nazis. He rolled over and moaned, feeling sufficiently sorry for himself.
"J-jeszcze Polska ...nie zginęła,"