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Re: Monaco ♠ Axis Powers Hetalia ♠ Reserve ♠ 2/3 filledechance October 7 2011, 04:09:05 UTC

Personality-wise Monaco has the disturbing propensity to act like the bizarre lovechild between France and Austria. She has a taste for fine things and social fun but the tendency to slip in to worry and stern reprimanding at any given moment. She acts in a dignified manner well beyond her perceived age, some saying she speaks like a woman much too stodgy for her own good. Monaco would like to say that her style of communication is frank and to the point.

Opinionated, the girl has no problem with vocalizing her concerns on matters as she believes many are too incompetent and frivolous to bother. If you are seen to be wrong in her eyes she will tell you as such, politely of course. This forthright attitude is somewhat muted in regards to France. She is his protectorate; acting as her brotherly figure if she had any. If the Frenchman requests anything of her she will comply wherein other situations Monaco would deny fulfilling the requests of others. Her loyalty to him gives him a little more leeway with her than it does with everyone else. This does not mean she’ll do what he says with a smile and is often embarrassed by his coddling behavior. Siblings. Magical, isn’t it?

Her home is a veritable playground for the wealthy. Her interests are mirrored in this lifestyle and she is nothing short of pampered. It’s rumored that she lets her hair so long (and it is quite long) because she aspired herself to become a duchess. She has the poise to accomplish it as well as the monetary funds.

Some wonder because of her outward appearance if she’s an approachable person. Outwardly, no; Monaco is a little stuffy and appears to be emotionally aloof. Her expressions are carefully guarded. She refuses to sneer and snarl like an animal when upset, her approach to turn a frosty shoulder being the preferred method of snobbery. And yes, she can be a snob and turn down her nose at certain people that don’t show certain ...decorum. If you annoy her enough she does have a way of being biting in her remarks (Really, I do think she’s got Austria as a mother-figure. Yes. Mother figure.).

Actually, her humor is a bit on the dry side as well. The girl isn’t bubbly, isn’t sunny, isn’t a sack-full of rainbows… but let it be known she is capable of laughing. We think.

Whether or not she seems aloof she does put a lot of effort in to being worthy of positive attention. She strongly prefers being in the company of others even if they’re ruffians (like her brother’s friends). Perhaps it’s an exercise in strengthening her patience. Idle mind and hand do not bode well for the young woman. She’s determined to be useful and is independent in spirit. She has a strong conviction that surpasses her small stature among her fellow nations.

In short you could compare her to some aristocratic family’s golden child; poised, intelligent and well versed, and jaded by a world of worries.

Abilities: With nations, they age relatively slowly and have abnormally long life spans. She’s also amazing at sprucing up a place.


Monaco ♠ Axis Powers Hetalia ♠ Reserve ♠ 3/3 filledechance October 7 2011, 04:09:54 UTC
Sample Entry: Dear Mun, I’m irate. | General Thread o’ Tags*

* Just in case the onslaught of Frances wasn’t enough.

Edit: Background! Apologies that this is down here. Word seems to botch up links. :|

Background: Exhibit A | Exibit B


ACCEPTED mayfield_mods October 12 2011, 20:45:16 UTC
Welcome to 949 Beulah Street, Cosette Satou! Please reply here with your character journal. Once you've done that, complete the following:

• Join mayfield_rpg, mayfield_logs, and optionally junefield
• Add your info to your canon post
• Add your info to your household! Use the street list to find your house.
• Update your friends list here, and comment to that post with your journal name.

And you're ready to go! Make sure to introduce yourself in the main comm and tell people where your character will be living!


Re: ACCEPTED filledechance October 12 2011, 22:16:40 UTC
Yes! Hngh. This will be the journal I use for the game. <3


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