Damn it. :(

Aug 17, 2007 20:44

To start things off, I'm going to have to explain that my 1 1/2 year old nephew lives with us and he likes anything that is shiny and lights up, therefore he is attracted to computers. We're turning him into a mini-geek.

I was in the bathroom (plucking my eyebrows in front of the mirror) when my mom screams her head off at me, yelling and ranting because I wasn't looking after the baby and "look what he did!". Apparently, little Junior thought it would be nice to climb up onto the chair of the dining room table that had my sister's powered-up laptop on and proceeded to dump a whole cup of soda on it. ( he had it in his hand)

Commence frantic drying and screaming and general frustration with my mother who was supposed to be looking after him, but of course,, she's more into her novelas these days you would think she had nothing else to do. Went searching over the internet everywhere to figure how to properly dry a laptop and what not and I'm not even sure if it works or not. uggh. Things just couldn't get worse. I got the blame for it of course, it's not like there were three other people in the house besides me and much closer to him, me being three rooms away and my mom, sister and cousin in the room right next to him.

We don't blame the baby, of course, he has no idea, but he does try his very hardest to make sure that our lives are not the easiest around.

If it doesn't work by tommorow night we might have to end up taking it to Best Buy and make them fix it there.

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