Let's have a little talk...

Feb 23, 2007 16:41

This has been one of the most stressing weeks of my life, because Rommie's moving out, and the insane load of work I had. Even my stomach and related entrails have left me. Tuesday and wednesday had been a complete nightmare. Still now I don't feel fine. And emotionally it really, really sucks. I have one more book to go at proofreading, yay me!, and the thesis. Darn.

As a panacea for all my troubles, I got into fandom. Should I better get a little jogging? Maybe, but I'm stuck in here.

Then I saw that anonymeme thing (I won't repeat what minkyleigh in her wisdom and niceness posted. The world could be just a little better if we had more people like her)  and it just topped lots of situations that had been happening for months.
 Yes, I am a lurker, and yes, most of the time I keep in the shadows taking the data, as pixxers said in that fandom categories list, but I don't think that I'm scary or a stalker, but yes, I'm weird, I won't deny it. And also shy, even when I tend to babble a lot. Minky showed me a welcoming part of the fandom, for what I'm thankful, because I can speak to many great people and thank them for the contributions to the fandom.
 It really shocked me that since december many journals had been friends-locked (I'm not talking about PoT fandom only). This LJ idea is an opportunity to "share your thougths" as they say, but many people is forgetting the idea of RESPECT. The world is wide and foreign and there is place to many, many kinds of people. You just can't say "X whines a lot in his/her journal" Everybody models the shape and purpose of their own journals. Let them do whatever they want with their space. No one has the right to troll any community or LJ. 
 There are people who speak loud and their honesty might hurt but I congratulate them because they can sleep at night (I hope ^^;) and didn't hide who really are and they had the brightest minds ever. You shouldn't fear or attack them.

Anyone with more than 2 fingers of forehead (This exist in english? I mean people with enough intelligence) can read the quality of the people behind the journals, what to expect of them and response in the way the deserve (and sometimes silence is the better answer). 
 Maybe I'm not the best at it, but for the reading I can tell how is the people aroun the fandom and I respect the most of them. And yes, maybe I got a writing inferiority complex, but I respect the people who dare to write and post their fics, their job and efforts, even when I don't like the pairings or the writing, but because of that I don't make hollow praises. 
 I comment when I found a fic great, or when I want to know more of the people who write them . If there's a pair I don't like or a characterization, I don't click on it, or stop reading, but sometimes people surprise you and make them worth reading.

And I just want to clarify some things that obviously weren't attemped at me in that anonymeme, since this LJ is the Dead Zone, but I just want to set it clear for the people who have friended me and don't know much about me:

No, I'm not a stalker, 
No, I don't kiss anybody's ass to get a little recognition, I kiss some people's ass If I think they're worth it. Hipocresy is not my thing.
Yes, I'm a wierdo, and sometimes my comments just don't come out right, but that is because of my shady mind and its language settings.

I'm so sorry whisper132 and reposoir for my inmense stupid yammering in my comments. Reposoir, you rock! and please, don't give up on writing, you have the greatest ideas ever.
Sorry giving_ground if sometimes I'm like a phanthom and don't appear much but I think that you're a BRILLIANT and amazing person and a talented writer, because you create the best AUs I ever seen and you really really are intelligent, don't worry too much.
a_kindara You're such a great girl and your writing is wonderful. You have a mind of your own and I hope you keep it. You still have a lot of things to live and I wish you have the best of it.
pixxers, I don't want to bear you babies, because you have a lot already ;) but definitely I want to become your padawan.
minkyleigh I won't repeat what I said lines before, but you're an angel. A senbe angel.
I'm really slow at things, but I finally got it. I hope you get back soon. I won't friend you, because I know my limits (and if we really think it we're not that close, you already have the people you need), but as always I wish the best for you and I thank you for your wonderful writing and how you used to make my mornings all shiny and better.

Sorry for all the babbling, the typos, the weird grammar and the repeated words you might find in this post.

And yess!! This will be a torrent night, wooohooo!!

panda mode, ebichan working, bitchslapping fandom

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