You can't conceive all the pleasure in my smile...

Jan 31, 2008 01:31

Getting reacquainted with my laptop. Lots of codecs to DL and basically haven't DL anything but watch on youtube some stuff. I don't like streaming sites, but what can I do? I'm busy.

FINALLY saw the OVAS, the last genius and the summaries of the Tadashii whats-its-name-ouji series.

It would be nice to have some L'Oreal sparkly radiation, you know? You could have took away some onf the shinyness of the OVA 19 and make Chitose some justice and let go of Tezuka's cardboardness a bit. He has the facial expression of a torta!!!
Also, we can say that Kin-chan is Konomi's favorite too. The way he was animated was amazing, even when I don't have the nerve to listen his single, he was adorable!!
The scary face of Chitose at Kin-chan super montain yadda yadda shot was PRICELESS.
Yes, Kirihara's pokevolution was accurate, although the maniac laugh was... well, fitting. ^^;;
Bunta looked awesome and we had EVIL!Yukimura and PWNING!!Sanada.
OMFG!!!! Renji's ENGRISH. I believe Tohui doesn't miss me anymore after the maniac squealing... ^^;;
And we saw the idiot couple love spat, right?

In the section of "questions because Maye doesn't know japanese" we have:
Fuji's starry eyes after the Echizen/Kin-chan match, what was that about?? Yet Tezuka didn't let down his constipated face. ^^;;
And please, some enlghten me about the meeting with Rikkai before going to eat some Yakiniku!!!! What did Yukimura said??, and Renji???

About Tadashii whatever, only had time for the summaries. So finally got all Kiriyama's blog pics ^^;; And it's curious that since the summaries are done by a fan of Kiriyama's love interest, he's the only thing we see, where are the other guys? XDDD

And yet I'm not caught up with Den-O, maybe tomorrow.

pot, myuboys

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