Man, Im tired...

Jan 28, 2007 19:43

After 6 hours trying in this thing, finally changed the layout.
There's nothing like Tohui's bandwidth ::insert evil cackle here:: But I'm cold and I haven't cleaned the apartment... yet.
So finally the OVAS are out!!!

1. I don't know if the animators are lacking effort or they are trying to show the characters are growing. Didn't liked the art much. But I noticed this from time ago. They don't look as gorgeous as on the manga or the previous anime. And Tezuka has chicken legs!!!!

2. I don't like their Chitose. Where is the kira-kira-ness!!!????
But Miyuki was fine. And Tezzie is such an knight in armor. He even has a card for that. And he will wait till Miyuki grow a little more

3. I liked the opening. Rikkai!! But they don't put Rokkaku in the opening!! :(
And the Ending!!!! Bad boyz Hyotei!!!! XD They are so EBIL... and the song helps a lot XD

I'm so tired from the monitor, see ya (and watch later Gokusen).


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